The Peugeot Travel size Wine Ageing Tool is a measuring device used to precisely determine the future development of your wines and to efficiently manage your wine cellar.
The Peugeot Wine Ageing Tool is a measuring device that can tell you instantly the keepability and ageing potential of a wine, of any type. The Peugeot Wine ageing Tool is the fruit of 10 years of research and has been patented. Pour yourself a glass of wine, taste it and remember your feelings. Dip the Wine ageing Tool disk in the wine and taste again. Every second of contact with the wine corresponds to a year of ageing. If, after several contacts, the wine still keeps its qualities, or if indeed it improves, it has very good ageing potential and is worth keeping. If the wine loses its precious qualities after just one or two seconds of contact, it has no keepability potential. You can repeat this operation, second after second, until there are clear signs of decline in the wine. This allows you to determine the ageing potential and to decide whether to keep the wine. The Wine ageing Tool can also allow you to enjoy a wine that is too young, without having to wait.
The Peugeot Wine Ageing Tool is a measuring device that can tell you instantly the keepability and ageing potential of a wine, of any type. The Peugeot Wine ageing Tool is the fruit of 10 years of research and has been patented. Pour yourself a glass of wine, taste it and remember your feelings. Dip the Wine ageing Tool disk in the wine and taste again. Every second of contact with the wine corresponds to a year of ageing. If, after several contacts, the wine still keeps its qualities, or if indeed it improves, it has very good ageing potential and is worth keeping. If the wine loses its precious qualities after just one or two seconds of contact, it has no keepability potential. You can repeat this operation, second after second, until there are clear signs of decline in the wine. This allows you to determine the ageing potential and to decide whether to keep the wine. The Wine ageing Tool can also allow you to enjoy a wine that is too young, without having to wait.
How to: Dip the dot on Clef du Vin into the wine. Every second the dot is in contact with the wine is the equivalent of one year's ageing. Each successive dipping of the Clef du Vin should be added to the previous one (1 second + 1 second equals to 2 seconds' contact, which equals two years' ageing). As the wine retains its quality, or improves after repeated contact with the dot (or one single contact lasting a few seconds), that is an indication it can be laid down. If the wine loses its qualities after a few seconds' contact, it has no keeping potential. It must be drunk in a short time.
Technical explanations: Wine undergoes a natural oxygen reduction process as it ages in the bottle. It matures, gradually reaching a period of equilibrium when it can be appreciated at its best (the peak), then it declines, losing its qualities. The Clef du Vin enables this development to be accelerated by reproducing the oxygen reduction mechanism in a controlled, regulated manner. As it acts as a catalyst, it passes no substance on to the wine and cannot wear out. It is guaranteed effective for life.